Debbie comes to swim nearly every day and a few times a week she will bring her granddaughter Ava. Aquatics Director Alyssa Proffitt shares, "I love seeing Debbie and Ava in the pool every week. It reminds me of how important learning to swim is for all ages!"
Alyssa spoke with Debbie and was excited to share her story with us.
"I have been a Y member for most of my adult life. I think that the YMCA is such a vital part of healthy family life. Our children loved the opportunities that our local Y offered -swimming lessons, sports, summer camp, after school programs - just to name a few."
In January of 2018, Debbie and her husband, Tom, moved to West Des Moines to take care of their granddaughter, Ava, while their son and wife worked. They joined the Waukee Y as soon as they unpacked. Tom enjoys the ActiveTrax program and Debbie's zen place is the pool. She absolutely loves to be in the water. She joined the deep-water aerobic classes right away and not only has she managed to stay fit, but she's made so many new friends!
"When the Y closed in March due to COVID 19, I dearly missed my water class and my friends. So, when the Y reopened, I purchased some weights and was thrilled to be able to exercise in the water again," Debbie shared.
Her granddaughter Ava has been coming to the pool twice a week with her since she was sixteen months old. She loves being in the pool as much as her Nana does (what Ava calls Debbie). At first, the slide was the main attraction, but these days she loves jumping into the deep end of the Rec pool to retrieve her pool toys. She loves to invent new games or try the “tricks” that Nana suggests. Ave is so comfortable in the pool and every week her confidence seems to grow!
Fun fact: In the 80s, Debbie taught aerobics classes at her local Y and also taught and certified instructors for a national Y pre and post natal program, You and Me, Baby.
Thanks so much for sharing your story, Debbie!